Smoothstack Coding Challenge: A Comprehensive Review In 2024

Smoothstack Coding Challenge

Are you ready to learn about the Smoothstack coding challenge? In today’s fast-paced tech landscape, maintaining your coding skills is essential to survive in the IT industry. Smoothstack’s Coding Challenge aims to push your limits and boost your coding proficiency to an upgrade level.  Are you ready to dive into something that’ll stretch those coding … Read more

Smoothstack Reviews – Comprehensive Guide In 2024

Smoothstack Reviews

Smoothstack Reviews – People want more than regular training in the fast-paced tech world.  They choose places like Smoothstack.  But there’s a problem.  Some say Smoothstack isn’t treating its trainees right. They’re not paying them for training and making them work extra hours without pay.  Critics say this isn’t just. Even though some employees like … Read more

Smoothstack vs Revature – Comprehensive Guide 2024 Update

Smoothstack vs Revature - Comprehensive Guide

Smoothstack and Revature are both companies that offer training and placement services for computer science graduates.  However, they have been compared due to their similar employment practices, which have raised concerns among employees and regulators.  Here is a comparison of the two companies based on the red flags and concerns raised by individuals who have … Read more

Is Smoothstack a “Revature-esque” scam?

Is Smoothstack a "Revature-esque" scam?

Smoothstack a “Revature-esque” – Smoothstack is a company that has been compared to Revature, another company known for its controversial employment practices.  The comparison is based on the red flags and concerns raised by individuals who have interacted with Smoothstack. A user on Reddit posted about their experience with Smoothstack, stating that they were contacted … Read more

Smoothstack Lawsuit Affect the Tech Industry: Tech Dreams and Harsh Realities

Smoothstack Lawsuit Affect the Tech Industry

Smoothstack Lawsuit Affects the Tech Industry – The Smoothstack lawsuit is causing big problems in the tech world. It shows some bad things companies are doing, like unfair hiring and not following contracts.  They’re also accused of taking ideas from other people without permission. This lawsuit is making people think about how the tech industry … Read more

C.W. Park USC Lawsuit – Everything You Need To Know About Legal Battle

C.W. Park USC Lawsuit

I think you already know about the C.W. Park USC lawsuit right? “A former student is suing a tenured professor named C.W. Park and the University of Southern California (USC). The lawsuit claims that Park sexually assaulted and discriminated against female students, specifically those of Korean descent”. We’ll explain in detail in this article. “Breakingpronews … Read more

LifeWave Lawsuit 2024 Update – Everything You Should Know

Lifewave Lawsuit

I think you already know about the LifeWave Lawsuit right? The company has faced several lawsuits over the years. We’ll explain them all in this article. “Breakingpronews Editorial Team Published on May 28, 2024” What Is Lifewave Lawsuit? LifeWave, which calls itself a “patented life technology company,” tends to create strong opinions. Some people really … Read more

Nectar Mattress Lawsuit About “Made-In-USA” – Everyone Should Know In 2024

Nectar Mattress Lawsuit

I think you already know about the Nectar Mattress Lawsuit right? You know what? Nectar Mattress has faced legal challenges due to false advertising, deceptive pricing, and potential fiberglass exposure issues, leading to legal actions and settlements. What Is The Evidence Presented By The Plaintiff In The Nectar Mattress Lawsuit? Nectar Mattress has been involved … Read more

Trulife Distribution Lawsuit 2024 (Updates): Filter Facts from Fiction-Everything You Need to Know

Trulife Distribution, Inc. v. Gould et al (Trulife distribution lawsuit)

You might have heard about the TruLife Distribution lawsuit, but the company has faced more legal battles in recent years.  Here’s a breakdown of the case. “On April 15, 2021, TruLife Distribution, Inc. filed a lawsuit against Mitch Gould under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).  This case was brought to the U.S. … Read more

Vegamour Lawsuit New Update – Everything You Should Know

Barbara blejewski filled - Vegamout Lawsuit

Vegamour Lawsuit – In recent years, Vegamour has faced several legal issues that have brought the company under scrutiny. Despite the focus on a specific lawsuit, the company has navigated through various legal challenges. Here, we break down the various legal issues Vegamour has encountered, explaining each case and its impact on the company. Key … Read more

What Happens In Golo Lawsuit? 2024 Result Updated

Golo Lawsuit 2024

Golo Lawsuit: GOLO Faces Class Action Lawsuit Over Alleged False Advertising.  What does the GOLO Lawsuit allege? “The lawsuit claims that GOLO consistently mislabels its product and uses deceptive advertising, which breaks the law and harms the public. If not stopped, it could cause big problems for society.” GOLO, a Delaware-based company, is facing a … Read more

Justin O’Brien Vs Smoothstack Lawsuit – Big News

Justin O’Brien Vs Smoothstack Lawsuit

Smoothstack Lawsuit : One controversy that recently shook the tech industry is a lawsuit against Smoothstack, a company that trains and staffs tech workers. The main issue is about repayment agreements in employment contracts, which have been getting a lot of attention and criticism from both federal and state lawmakers. The lawsuit against Smoothstack was … Read more