LifeWave Lawsuit 2024 Update – Everything You Should Know

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I think you already know about the LifeWave Lawsuit right?

The company has faced several lawsuits over the years. We’ll explain them all in this article.

“Breakingpronews Editorial Team

Published on May 28, 2024

What Is Lifewave Lawsuit?

LifeWave, which calls itself a “patented life technology company,” tends to create strong opinions. Some people really believe in their wellness products as alternatives to medicine or serious medical treatments. 

Others are skeptical, questioning how well the products work and criticizing their marketing methods.

In this article, we’ll give you an overview on LifeWave, discuss the debates about its products, and explain some of the lawsuits the company has faced.

Overview Of Lifewave Company

LifeWave is a wellness company known for its “non-transdermal patches.” It was started in 2004 by David Schmidt. 

According to its website, LifeWave’s goal is to “help people live well with wellness solutions designed to maximize the future of human potential.”

The company sells different products like 

  • Patches, 
  • Creams, and
  • Sprays.

But it is especially known for its non-transdermal patches.

LifeWave has had some celebrity endorsements. Suzanne Somers, a TV star from shows like Three’s Company, was a big supporter of holistic health and was an ambassador for LifeWave until she passed away in October 2023. 

She even promoted their patches in a book she wrote in 2015.

However, the company has faced criticism and skepticism about how well its products work and its marketing methods.

Does Lifewave Lawsuit Is Legit?

Based on our research, it’s hard to say if LifeWave is completely legitimate:

LifeWave sells holistic patches through a multi-level marketing system. These patches claim to stimulate stem cells and offer health benefits, but they are not approved by the FDA as medical devices.

Some users say they feel better using LifeWave patches, reporting more energy and less pain. A study in India found that volunteers had increased energy and better energy balance in their organs after wearing the X-39 patches for six weeks.

However, there are no clinical studies proving that LifeWave’s patches work. The FDA has warned that unproven stem cell treatments can be unsafe.

LifeWave has been involved in several lawsuits, including cases about patent infringement, making false statements, and financial issues in Europe related to taxes. The results of some of these cases are not clear.

The company’s use of a multi-level marketing model and its legal problems raise questions about its legitimacy and business ethics.

You know what? While some people report benefits from using LifeWave’s products, the company’s legitimacy is doubtful due to the lack of clinical proof, FDA warnings, multi-level marketing approach, and legal issues.

We need more research to clearly determine if LifeWave is a legitimate company. We will update you shortly.

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What Are The Allegations Against Lifewave In The Lawsuits?

These Lifewave lawsuits involve issues like patent infringement, false statements, broken contracts, and accusations of assault, libel, and slander.

Edward Blendermann LawsuitEdward Blendermann sued LifeWave for using his patent without permission. The patent was about a device to increase muscle strength and endurance.

He wanted damages and legal fees.
Jeunesse, LLC v. LifeWave, Inc.Jeunesse, LLC sued LifeWave for making false statements in a webinar. They claimed this hurt their business.

They wanted LifeWave to stop sharing the false information and issue a retraction.
Progressive Laboratories, Inc.LifeWave sued Progressive Laboratories for breaching warranties and contracts. The court allowed Progressive to name other responsible parties.
LifeWave, Inc. et al v. BurtisLifeWave and David Schmidt sued Robert Burtis and others for assault, libel, and slander.

The case was filed in Minnesota.

The History Of Lifewave’s Involvement In Lawsuits

These lawsuits show the various legal challenges LifeWave has faced, including issues with patents, false statements, financial practices, and product regulations.

Edward Blendermann LawsuitIn 2015, LifeWave was sued for allegedly copying a patent for wearable muscle-enhancing patches. 
The result of the case is unclear.
Jeunesse, LLC v. LifeWave, Inc.Jeunesse, LLC sued LifeWave for making false statements in a webinar. They accused LifeWave of unfair competition and breach of contract. 
They wanted an order to stop the false information.
MK Systems LawsuitMK Systems sued LifeWave’s founder, David Schmidt, wanting LifeWave’s products to fully comply with FDA rules. 
The court dismissed the complaint.
LifeWave Europe Financial IssuesIn 2014, LifeWave Europe had financial problems for not declaring enough corporate tax and VAT, despite high profits.
LifeWave, Inc. et al v. BurtisIn 2021, LifeWave and David Schmidt sued Robert Burtis and others for assault, libel, and slander in Minnesota.

Progress Status Of Lifewave Lawsuit Until 2024

Here is the status of lifewave lawsuit,

Jeunesse, LLC v. LifeWave, Inc.Jeunesse, LLCLifeWave, Inc.10Wrongful interference, breaking Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act, Lanham Act violations, unfair competition, spreading false information, contract violationPreliminary injunction denied
LifeWave, Inc. v. Progressive Laboratories, Inc.LifeWave, Inc.Progressive Laboratories, Inc.4Breaking promised warranties, contract breaches, misrepresentationOngoing
Edward L. Blendermann v. LifeWave, Inc.Edward L. BlendermannLifeWave, Inc.1Patent misuseOngoing
MK Systems, Inc. v. SchmidtMK Systems, Inc.David Schmidt1Deception, contract breach, breaking FDA rulesOngoing

Please note that the status provided is based on available sources with our research and may not represent the final decisions in these cases.

LifeWave, Inc. et al v. Burtis et al

Case Information– Burtis’ answer is due by December 3, 2021
Case NameLifeWave, Inc. et al v. Burtis et al
Case Number0:21-cv-02479
CourtU.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota
Filing DateNovember 10, 2021
Plaintiffs– LifeWave, Inc.
– David Schmidt
– LifeWave
Defendant(s)– Robert Burtis
– Does 1 through 10, inclusive (unnamed defendants)
Causes of Action– Assault
– Libel
– Slander
Jurisdiction28 U.S.C. § 1332 (diversity jurisdiction)
Jury DemandPlaintiffs demanded a jury trial
Current Status– Summons returned executed for defendant Robert Burtis on November 16, 2021
The plaintiffs demanded a jury trial
– Case reassigned to Judge Katherine M. Menendez in December 2021
Reference from here

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LifeWave, Inc. v. Tom Rockefella

Case No.D2023-2088
ComplainantLifeWave, Inc., United States of America (“United States”), represented by ARC IP Law, P.C., United States
RespondentTom Rockefella of the United Kingdom
Domain Names<> and <>, LLC
Filing DateMay 11, 2023
JurisdictionU.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota
Presiding JudgeKatherine M Menendez
Referring JudgeElizabeth Cowan Wright
Nature of SuitAssault, Libel & Slander
Cause of Action28 U.S.C. § 1332
Jury Demanded ByPlaintiff
Current Status– Summons returned executed for defendant Robert Burtis on November 16, 2021
– Burtis’ answer due by December 3, 2021
– Case reassigned to Judge Katherine M. Menendez in December 2021
SummaryThe case involves LifeWave, Inc. filing against Tom Rockefella for assault, libel, and slander in the U.S. District Court.
DecisionThe Panel orders the transfer of the disputed domain names <> and <> to the Complainant, LifeWave, Inc.
Reference is here

Jeunesse, LLC v. Lifewave, Inc.

Case No.6:15-cv-131-Orl-28DAB
PlaintiffsJeunesse, LLC; Market Q, Inc.; Wendy R. Lewis; Ogale “Randy” Ray
DefendantLifeWave, Inc.
JudgeJohn Antoon II
DateFebruary 27, 2015
Nature of MotionMotion for Preliminary Injunction
BasisPlaintiffs allege dissemination of false statements causing harm
HearingHeld on February 25, 2015
Supporting AffidavitsPlaintiffs: Robert Dawson, Ogale “Randy” Ray, Wendy R. Lewis
Defendant: David Schmidt
BackgroundPlaintiffs and Defendant are competitors in the multi-level marketing industry.
Plaintiffs allege false statements made by Defendant about them.
Plaintiffs filed lawsuit based on statements made in webinar and documents.
AllegationsDefendant made false and defamatory statements about Plaintiffs in webinar.
Plaintiffs claim violations of contract and various laws.
Requested ReliefInjunction to stop dissemination of false information and remove defamatory content.
AnalysisCourt examines four factors for granting preliminary injunction.
Plaintiffs fail to establish substantial likelihood of success on merits.
Plaintiffs also fail to show irreparable injury without injunctive relief.
ConclusionMotion for Preliminary Injunction is denied.
Judge’s OrderMotion denied.
JurisdictionUnited States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Orlando
Reference is here

LifeWave, Inc. v. Daniel Spain 

Case No.D2023-2840
ComplainantLifeWave, Inc. (United States), represented by ARC IP Law, P.C (United States)
RespondentDaniel Spain (Spain)
Domain, LLC
Filing DateJuly 4, 2023
Response Due DateAugust 9, 2023
Default NotificationAugust 17, 2023
Sole PanelistNick J. Gardner
Decision DateSeptember 11, 2023
SummaryComplainant seeks transfer of domain name <> based on trademark infringement.
Respondent did not respond to complaint.
Finding:Complainant’s trademark rights established.
Respondent lacks legitimate interests in the domain.
Domain registered and used in bad faith.
DecisionTransfer of <> to Complainant ordered.
Reference is here

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Final Word About Lifewave Lawsuit

LifeWave, a wellness company selling patches, faced lawsuits including patent infringement, false statements, breach of contract, and FDA compliance. 

The outcome of some cases is unclear. 

People Also Ask

What is the Lifewave lawsuit about?

The Lifewave lawsuit is about a disagreement between Lifewave, Inc. and Tom Rockefella regarding who owns the domain names <> and <>. Lifewave says these domains are too similar to their trademarked name and are being used unfairly.

What are the main points of the lawsuit?

The main points are:

– Lifewave says the domain names are too similar to theirs.

– Lifewave believes the other party doesn’t have the right to use these domain names.

– Lifewave says the domain names were registered and are being used unfairly[1].

What is happening with the lawsuit now?

The case is being decided by a group of arbitrators. They’ve said the domain names are too similar to Lifewave’s trademark and that the other party doesn’t have the right to use them.

What could happen because of the lawsuit?

If the decision goes Lifewave’s way, they might get control of the domain names. This could stop the other party from using them in the future.

How did Lifewave respond to the lawsuit?

Lifewave responded by saying the domain names are too similar to theirs and that the other party shouldn’t be allowed to use them.

Why is the lawsuit important?

It shows how important it is to protect trademarks and make sure domain names aren’t used unfairly. It also shows why companies need to watch out for and stop any misuse of their trademarks.

What happens next in the lawsuit?

The arbitrators will make a decision. If Lifewave wins, they might get the domain names. If the other party wins, they might get to keep them.

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